The ultimate combination between the elegance of the piano roll with the POWER of METAL!!!!
But WHAT IS IT????
Well, I'd define MIDI Metal as any metal that uses some form sample based instrumentation instead of traditional instruments.
But isn't this like X genre or Y genre, why give it a new name?
Though you can think of Electronic Metal as sounding similar to things like nintendocore or breakcore. It's VERY different namely in how it USES instruments. Where breakcore uses electronic based instruments in unrealistic or impractical ways for realistic instruments common of electronica, and nintendocore uses samples in there music from what I've heard as just flavor to already existing guitar tracks. MIDI Metal as I've chosen to call it instead takes the limitations of real world instruments and exclusively uses sample based instruments and looks to harness them into POWER!! You will see in the examples I have below.
The OGs of the MIDI Metal scene doing it before I was even born lol
DAISUKE ISHIWATARI was born 1973 blahblahblah
What really matters is his music!
Daisuke used piano roll to make his music in his early days as a composer and used it to make something the best songs to DATE!I'm talking NO MERCY and KEEP YOURSELF ALIVE 2, as well as the iconic HOLY ORDERS (BE JUST OR BE DEAD).
Though he would later go on to ditch the MIDI in favor for the live instrumentation when hardware was able to allow it, boo!!, I still view him as the origin of my obsession with this style of music as his music is like crack for my ears! Daisuke is my inspiration and the man I strive to be!
If you looking to check out Daisuke's music, more particularly his MIDI work, I would search on Youtube, "Guilty Gear X Arcade Version", to get the best taste of his work!

Though I'm not as familiar with his work as I'm with Daisuke I still view him as a very good example of MIDI Metal in the fact he was one of, if not THE, first to do this style of music. And even though I've only barely played Doom and have never played Doom 2, I think every American is familiar with the song AT DOOM'S GATE
Sadly since this is more of a emotion base website I don't really have much to say about Bobby. Maybe in the future I will add more composer and even add steps to achieve this sound! (if I ever find out how!)